change Hathway gpon wifi password

Hathway Gpon Wifi Password: Quick 5-Steps To Change Successfully

What is the Hathway GPON Connection?

Before learning how to change the Hathway GPON WiFi password, we need to understand what a GPON connection is.

Hathway Broadband provides GPON fiber-to-the-home connections in many parts of Surat City. The full form of GPON is a Gigabit Passive Optical Network, which provides high speed and better connectivity through a fiber optic line.

In a GPON fiber connection, Hathway Broadband provides a different router, called the ONU device, from the ZTE company, and the wire is also different than a normal CAT-5 or CAT-6 cable; fiber wire is a thinner and stronger cable.

Why is it important to change the GPON wifi password to secure your WiFi connection?

In recent times, there has been a lot of dependence on the internet for individual and official purposes, so ensuring the security of your wifi is a very important thing.

A secure WiFi connection can protect you from unauthorized access, preventing potential data theft, leeching of bandwidth, and other security risks.

also insecure your wifi, making your wifi speed slow and unable to access the internet properly, so securing your wifi password is more beneficial and prevents you from any cyber invasion.

Step-by-step process to change your Hathway GPON wifi password

Step 1: Connect your device

Connect your device to Wi-Fi on any device, like a mobile, laptop, or tablet. You can also connect to your computer with a LAN cable. I recommend connecting with a LAN cable while changing the Wi-Fi password.

Step 2: Connect with the IP address

Now, after connecting with a LAN cable, open any web browser like Google Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer and type the IP address in the address bar.

Step 3: Logging into the GPON Interface

The next step is to enter the username and password into the GPON device interface of ZTE. Normally, the default username is “admin”.

The password is the MAC ID, which you can find on the back side of the router. The MAC ID will be a 12-digit number without any special characters.

Example: DC7137279312

Step 4: Navigate to wifi settings

After logging in, to change your Wi-Fi password, you must first identify the wifi settings where you may change your Wi-Fi name and password, so update the wifi name first.

To change your WiFi name, follow these steps:

First, select the network interface option. Next, choose WLAN from the menu. Finally, go to SSID settings and enter the new name you want for your wifi in the SSID name field.

Step 5: Change the WiFi Password

Finally, let’s get to the main reason you are here: changing the Hathway GPON wifi password. This is how you can do it.

To change the password for your network, follow these steps:

  • Locate the security section in the network options.
  • Enter the new password in the WPA passphrase field.
  • Click on submit to save the changes.

In certain router settings, you may only see the WiFi option; from there, you can effortlessly modify your WiFi password.

Important tips:

  • Make a strong password that mixes numbers and alphabets.
  • Don’t share wifi passwords with too many people.
  • Regularly change your WiFi password.
  • Write down your password on a secure note.


These are the steps to change your Hathway GPON Wi-Fi password. If you are unable to change it, please contact your agent or customer care.

Changing your Hathway GPON WiFi password is a simple yet crucial step in safeguarding your internet connection.

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